The inevitable Tollywood/Gangnam Style mashup has arrived

What happens when you combine a viral pop song with some Tollywood dance moves? The answer can be found in the video above. According to the Huffington Post, the scenes featured are from the 2006 Telugu film Ashok and “bring a merry twist to the catchy song and dance.” Enjoy!

Former Outsourced stars team up for mock voter PSA


Remember Outsourced, the short-lived NBC comedy set in an Indian call center? Stars Parvesh Cheena and Rizwan Manji are back together again in this newly-released mock voter PSA urging everyone to vote on November 6. (Here in New York the deadline to register is this Friday, so everyone should hurry.)

This isn’t the first time Cheena and Manji have collaborated on a web video since Outsourced’s cancellation; the two also produced a faux Lowes commercial during last year’s All-American Muslim controversy.